Accountable Monday: On a Tuesday

28 Aug

Sorry for being a bit late with this post. I did weigh in yesterday– and saw 154.

That’s one pound down, and given that it’s the time of the month and I wasn’t very good last week, I’m very pleased. I’m still doing TurboFire until I get my hands on my friend’s Insanity, but am really having trouble with motivation.

I’m also due for taking measurements in the next few days so I’m hoping to see some good progress there as well. I’m about 7 weeks into my lifestyle change (and this blog) and am trying hard to keep it a routine- a balance- and not burn out/give up.

I have to remember that I’m doing this for so many reasons, and I can’t give up.

I can’t give up on myself. It simply cannot be an option.

End melodramatic post… sorry about that.

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